Vice-Chairman’s Message

“Let there be light”

“Education is the movement from the darkness to light”

Greetings to All!
As Bloom said “Education in times must try to find whatever there is in student that might yearn for completion, and to reconstruct the learning that would enable them autonomously to seek that completion”. And that exactly is our dream and commitment to all the students of Pitts Modern School that had begun its journey in the year 1967. It has seen many phases of development since then. We are now entering a new era- setting up state-of-the-art computer facilities in the school, introducing career counselling, series of co-curricular activities for Holistic development of our students, bringing guest lecturers to motivate and guide them without once losing focus from achieving academic excellence.
Sole motto of education is to create a society, which is dynamic and productive, offering opportunity and fairness to all. From this perspective, role of the school can never be undermined. School unlocks the treasure that lies within each student. Pitts Modern has strived throughout to impart knowledge and skills that are key to success. In my humble opinion, I feel our school by using the most effective methods and practicable vision can change the lives of the students and help them to touch their dreams.
Successful institution do not just happen, behind every story of success lies the hard work of lots of individuals. In PMS it is the team effort of the Principal, Vice Principals, Teachers and the Management.
All of us want our child to succeed. It is only possible when parents and teachers come together and join hands. Your ward is our child. Both of us want them to succeed. Mutual respect and cooperation between the two nurturing forces will turn our dreams into reality. Parental co-operation is of utmost importance.
We hope to fulfill the aspirations of all those parents who have put their faith in us.

Wishing contentment to parents.
Bright and promising future to students.
Health and happiness to the entire team of Pitts Modern School.


Thank you

Mr. Arindam Dasgupta

(Vice Chairman, GOMIA School Society)