About Us
Pitts Modern School was opened by Sir Cyril Pitts (1916-2014) Chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries, Indian Operations(1964-1968). Sir Pitts was a British Industrialist born in east of London in 1916 and he spent most of his life in India and led Imperial Chemical Industries on the subcontinent in 1960's. He founded Pitts Modern School in GOMIA in 1967 in the Bokaro district of the state Jharkhand. The school was funded by ICI and was open to the children of all those who worked in the nearby ICI explosive plant. At present the school is a self financed independent organization under a registered society named Gomia School Society with Bishop Chotanagpur as it's Chairman. The School is affiliated with CBSE from KG to class XII and at present it gives education to more than 2200 students through English Medium.
Name of trust /Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1956. Period upto which Registration of trust/ Society valid.
- Gomia School Society
- 38/67-68 from (undivided Bihar) - 08-12-1967
- 556/2006-07 from (Jharkhand) date - 11-12-2006
Name and Official Address of Chairman :
The Rt. Revd. B.B. Baskey
Bishop of Chhotanagpur, Bishop's Lodge
Post Box. 1 Ranchi - 834001
Email - rch_cndta@sanchar.net.in
Phone - 0651- 2351181
Fax no. - 0651-2351184