From the Principal’s Desk

“The goal of Education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth” ~ John F. Kennedy

Education is one of the means to transmit the light of life and spread the radiance of it in the ambience in which we live. Keeping this virtue in mind we at Pitts Modern School aim at the integral development of each student and lay a lot of impetus on honing every aspect of child's personality that works towards nurturing the child in to a happy and well equipped human being.

We have set out on an elevating and enriching journey 55 years ago in 1967 with the aim of providing our children an exclusive learning experience by teaching them to march ahead with positive attitude, skill, confidence, sensitivity and responsibility.

Moved by high ideals, our founding fathers created this institution. Since its establishment it has come a long way and today it seems to fulfill the prime objective of catering quality education in the town of explosive and coal belt of Jharkhand. The school embarked its journey with a humble beginning, but has transformed to be a premier institution in the country with its high standard of education, discipline, and overall performance in curricular and co-curricular activities.

The unmatched and impressive heights of glory at which our school stands today bears testimony to the fact that the school is fiercely committed to pursue excellence in all the fields, be it in academia, sports, ethics or aesthetics. In this contemporary world where cut throat competition has become a part and parcel of life, it is of supreme importance that we teach our children to be competent enough to stand tall amongst others with their extraordinary skills and come out victorious from the realms of this challenging environment.

We emanate and sprinkle an atmosphere where each child receives love, dignity and acceptance. The trust here is to blend thoroughly the modern and traditional approach which is conducive for learners. Children here learn through exploration and experimentation, the students gain maximum exposure and acquire confidence. We are focused to achieve our aim by providing an exemplary infrastructure to work upon a child’s physical, mental and artistic faculties.

“Asato ma sadh gamaya, Tamso ma jyotir gamaya ” is our motto and principle that will always inspire our children throughout their lives.

Mr. Brij Mohan Lal Das

(Principal, Pitts Modern School, Gomia)